Our Goal - "Simplify service to providers and improve patient outcomes"

Regenerative Medicine is a cutting-edge medical field that focuses on unlocking the body’s innate ability to heal and repair itself by restoring (regenerating) damaged tissues and organs. Through advanced techniques such as stem cell therapy, tissue engineering, molecular biology and other innovative approaches, Regenerative Medicine offers hope for those seeking natural and lasting solutions to various health challenges and holds the promise to revolutionize treatment for previously untreatable conditions.

Wharton's Jelly

Wharton’s jelly is a gelatinous substance found in the umbilical cord of mammals, particularly in humans. It is a mucous connective tissue that surrounds and cushions the blood vessels in the umbilical cord and provides structural support to prevent compression or damage. This jelly-like material is composed mainly of water, hyaluronic acid, collagen fibers, growth factors, cytokines and proteoglycans. Notably, placental tissues, including Wharton’s Jelly, are considered “immune privileged” due to their low likelihood of triggering an immune response, reducing the risk of adverse reactions.

Possible Usage:

Wharton’s jelly has shown effectiveness in various medical applications, including regenerative medicine and tissue engineering, due to its unique properties. It is a rich source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which have the potential to differentiate into various cell types. Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells can be used in regenerative medicine to treat a wide range of medical conditions, such as orthopedic injuries, autoimmune diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders. Collagen fibers in Wharton’s Jelly have also proven effective in mending various types of soft tissue defects.

ANI Distributes Life-Changing Regenerative Wharton’s Jelly Products By PLATINUM BIOLOGICS

*  All Platinum Biologics products are intended for cosmetic, research and/or homologous use



Nano Flex is our most concentrated Wharton’s Jelly product. To fully understand the benefits of Nano Flex we need to build a literal house of knowledge.

Foundation: Much like the foundation for a house, the foundation for all connective tissue in the human body is collagen. It is one of the most widely distributed and concentrated substances in the musculoskeletal system. Your “house” is a foundation of skin, joint cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and even bone. All of these elements are collagen based.

Floor: To create the floor of a home, you have to lay down a complex network of cement board that acts as an anchor for any stone, wood or laminate that is laid on top. The floor of the human musculoskeletal system is a similar complex network of interwoven extracellular matrix fibers. These fibers are the micro architectural framework and floor for collagen formation. That extracellular matrix is composed of collagen type 1, 3, growth factors, cytokines and proteoglycans. These are the exact same constituent components in Wharton’s Jelly.

Walls and Roof: The walls and roof of a home give it strength, structural integrity and allow a home to withstand the elements. Wharton’s Jelly acts in the exact same manner in the umbilical cord. In the perinatal period, Wharton’s Jelly serves to supplement the structural integrity of the umbilical cord while cushioning and supporting the umbilical cord vessels that supply all the essential nutrients to a growing fetus.

Foundation Cracks: With time and stress, even the most robust of foundations starts to show its age. No different than the collagen in our face or our joints, things tend to break down over time. To heal the “cracks” in your foundation, the body goes through a fibrin-based healing process. That process leaves a scar. Think of any time you cut yourself, that defect in your “structural tissue” heals with a scar. But imagine if that healing didn’t have to “scar”. All healing in the body can follow one of two paths. One is fibrin based and leads to a scar. The other is collagen based and restores the original relevant characteristics and strength of the native tissue. Wharton’s Jelly has the building blocks necessary to “patch” those age related and trauma related defects in your connective tissue.


Problem: We all know that PRP has been used on everything from cosmetic wrinkles to cartilage based defects in joints. We all know it’s relatively cheap. And we all know that PRP is relatively safe. We also know it doesn’t work all that well. But what else is there other than steroids?


    • No More Pain: Let’s face it, PRP hurts when injected
    • No More Inflammation: By definition, the face, scalp, synovial joints, and intervertebral disc have never seen blood. It’s literally a foreign body and results in tremendous inflammation when injected
    • No More Costs: The PRP kit expense is just the tip of the iceberg. You have to rent a centrifuge, add injection supplies, hire a nurse or lab tech, and factor in the time the process takes to spin, collect, prep and inject.

Solution: The perfectly practical NANO PRP Jelly!

    • Practically painless as Wharton’s Jelly is collagen based Mesenchymal connective tissue
    • Administer practically anywhere you have previously used PRP through any 25g – 32g needle
    • Practically priced at half the cost of PRP


    • Introducing Nano Xsomes – the revolutionary cord blood (plasma)-derived exosome that is transforming the field of regenerative medicine. With a proven track record of safety, potency, and purity, Nano Xsomes are the only
      exosomes backed by published peer-reviewed studies on process and efficacy.
    • Our innovative product is formulated from human progenitor endothelial stem cells (hPESCs) and is characterized
      for biologically active factors using ELISA, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and single particle interferometric reflectance imaging sensing. The result is a highly potent extract that has been shown to promote fibroblast proliferation and induce stem cell migration, making it the ideal solution for a wide range of regenerative applications. 
    • With the presence of growth factors such as IGFBP 1, 2, 3, and 6, insulin, growth hormone, PDGF-AA, TGF-β1, VEGF, and the anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-1RA, Nano Xsomes offer a comprehensive solution for regenerative medicine. Membrane enclosed particles within exosome size range and expressing exosome tetraspanins CD81 and CD9 have also been identified, confirming the high quality and purity of our product.


Through extensive research and development, NanoEX blends the perfect fusion of science and nature. We start with umbilical cord-derived exosomes, known for their exceptional potency in Placental, Vascular Endothelial, and Transforming growth factors. These unique growth factors are exclusive to NanoEX.

NanoEX is a shelf-stable product that requires no refrigeration. Our Lyophilization process dehydrates without denaturing the crucial peptides, proteins, and growth factors essential for collagen-based skin healing. This means you can safely apply NanoEX daily to support your cosmetic aesthetic.

We proudly disclose all NanoEX ingredients, inviting you to witness and compare their potency. We believe in the power of seeing, and we guarantee that you’ll be astonished by the results your clients are about to experience!

Discover the healing and tissue restoration through Regenerative Medicine by speaking to our team!


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